Friday, 4 March 2016

Rambles: Is talking the cure for everything in relationships?

Talking is probably one of the hardest things to do when you're upset with your significant other, trust me I know from personal experience. I never knew I was a boiling hot pot until someone pushes me over the edge. But now I think about it's one of the best remedies. 

Personally, I know I'm a stubborn person that seems to drag things out because I feel like I'm always right. I've only really realised that it's my big fat EGO that gets in the way sometimes. Truthfully, the trouble is I never want to be the wrong one but sometimes someone else has to put you in the right place and makes you realise you've stepped out your boundaries. However, it doesn't always go as smoothly especially if  your other half has the same mentality. In this situation both of your egos are getting in the way and suddenly everything is 1000 times worse than when it started off. 

Couples go through this problem every now and then, especially if one or both of them like to bottle up their feelings. I wouldn't say I was the best talker in my relationship but I think I'm learning slowly from the most I've learnt is that talking is so IMPORTANT. I'm usually the one that gives the advice on how to get over these types of things but, I do admit sometimes I don't practice what I preach. That's because talking is probably one of the hardest things. Future tip to myself and whoever reads this is that whenever you feel uneasy or uncomfortable about something even the littlest things talk about it with someone you trust and feel comfortable around. I can vouch that this does work. 

If the person you do find yourself talking to doesn't seem they care or uninterested they are not the one to talk to. Believe me even though they seem like they are listening but aren't 100% there it's not worth it. Find someone who gives you 100% attention and actually reciprocates, at the end of the day you wouldn't want to tell someone and still feeling burdened with that problem, you should have the feeling of relief that something that has been pulling you down lifted off you. 

Slowly but surely you'll learn that something as simple as talking can help your relationship flourish in a different way. I also feel even as corny as it sounds it will strengthen the bond between you and your significant other. Also, sometimes you just need to realise your fault in the dynamic and apologise for your wrong doings. Even though it may seem a hard thing to do especially when you're trying to prove a point, but just think of the bigger argument that could start and ask yourself is it worth it?

I know this isn't the whole story of every argument, but hopefully, it just gives you an insight on how you can prevent things escalating and just solve things without having to go through a whole song and dance about who is wrong and right. This also helps the other person to look out in the future when they could be doing something that you don't like. At the end of the day, your relationship will seem stronger and you can have that security that  you always have someone to turn to no matter how small or big the problem is. 

Maui x 

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Have you ever just met that one person and thought wow, he/she could actually be the "ONE". It just baffles me how quick relationships form and at the same time break down so quickly. It also baffles me how you can visualise a future with this someone and the next minute you just think they're the devil's spawn and throw everything away cause of stupid argument.

I always used to think that the only way for a certain relationship to last and actually work was to gradually build up to it e.g.  meet - become friends - best friends then RELATIONSHIP. I agreed with this because who wouldn't want to know and scope out the perimeters of their future girlfriend/boyfriend? But then at the same time you hear people talking about the "friend zone" and friends can never date and other sorts of crap. What REALLY is the best way to meet your other half? 

All previous relationships that I have been in have always gone in the direction of my perception of a perfect relationship, but in all honestly they didn't end very well. Meeting my current other half happened so unexpectedly really scared me to the point where i was questioning myself to what the hell i was thinking?! But maybe this was for the best. 

I met him whilst being in university, we were flatmates. FLATMATES, if someone ever told me before university that I was going to date someone in my flat I would of never believed them, purely because of the fact that if things didn't end well it would be so awkward. Believe me I did kind of go through that stage but it actually turned out pretty good, I'm still with him and I'm happy. 

Whenever you are thrown into relationship you never really know what to expect, I certainly didn't. But sometimes you just luck out and you find someone that just perfectly matches you and you both just click or as some say "get on like a house on fire". It does make me chuckle though thinking about the fights and tiffs you get in because you hardly know each other and you don't really know that does and doesn't tick them off. I used to have little tiffs about shutting doors and just the stupid little things. 

But it did make me realise when I was totally falling for this guy. I think everyone one does when they realise they really see a future with their other half. You know those cheesy moments when you just end up smiling like the Cheshire cat to yourself because you are just so contented and happy being with that person. Also you make an effort to try to make up with them after a silly argument, even though you know your probably going to have another one in the near future about something else silly like what type of food you want to eat for dinner. 

Honestly sometimes you do have to eat your ego and just suck things up and admit your wrong doing. For some that's not easy to do. But if they are willing to keep trying and won't give up, I think that's when you also know that you've got a keeper. Another thing is the word "LOVE". This term is just used generically left right and centre in todays society and I see it loosing its authenticity. Don't say it for the sake of pleasing someone, fooling them or just a way to save something that your not fully committing to. Say it like you mean it when its truly authentic. 

I guess with relationships you never really know what to expect. Feelings are confusing and sometimes you just can't explain how you feel towards someone. I think the feeling of the unknown makes people feel uncomfortable and sometimes it does end badly but I like to think of it as a learning curb and it just betters you for someone better. Also sometimes finding someone unexpectedly isn't so bad. Everyones perception is always going to be different and my advise is go for what makes you happy and always give 110%, because who wouldn't feel insecure or suspicious if someone was only giving 50% of themselves to a person they supposedly "love". 

Anyways enough rambling . . . 

Maui x 

Friday, 24 July 2015


This was just on of the adventures me and boyfriend Aaron got up to in the summer ! If you're ever near the Milton Keynes area I highly recommend going. 

W O B U R N   S A F A R I    P A RK 
This safari park is so cool! You first start of with a road safari where you basically drive around in your car while the animals are free to roam around. The best was probably seeing the Monkeys, but unfortunately none climbed on our car ): You get to see so many cool animals while on the drive like Tigers, Rhinos, Lions and Giraffes! After the drive you get to park your car and go around the park and go on some rides like swan boats and grab something to eat. 

They even have a foot safari where you get to see animals close up, I even stroked a Wallaby?! There are so many more animals on the foot safari which included Porcupines, Otters, Seals and ELEPHANTS!  Also there are shows letting you know about the animals and not to mention an awesome gift shop. Overall great day for those who love animals!

G O    A  P E
Go Ape is in the same place as Woburn so you literally could make a day out of going to the safari park and go ape adventure like we did. Go ape is literally one of the best things I've done this summer. If you're a thrill seeker or you just like fun stuff then I advise you to try this. But it's not for those who are scared of heights, as I found out while Aaron scared the poop out of me while up in a tree -_- 

You get a full demonstration from the instructors when you start, but after it's all down to you! That's the best thing we found as we were free to roam about and do our thing and take it at our own pace. Also you don't need any type of experience so it's great for everyone. I must say it's like a workout but much more fun and exciting! One tip though is make sure you're ready to be covered in wood chips cause you'll never land smoothly! 

C R A Z Y    G O L F 
Me and Aaron love a bit of competition, but he knows that he's always  going to lose against me as I'm the better player! Crazy golf is one of the small things we love playing. This crazy golf course wasn't to big but it was worth the money you pay for. Some of the obstacles were hard but it was fun, and believe me the competitiveness got real. If your up for a bit of pirate themed crazy golf I highly recommend this place! 

What have you been up to this summer? 

Maui x 

Thursday, 23 July 2015


Found this old outfit of the day and everyday makeup I was supposed to post a long time ago so I thought I may as well post it. This everyday makeup was my go to when I was in uni, I mean a winged liner is always classic am I right? 


-Yves Saint Laurent Le teint touche éclat (£31.50) mixed with L'Oreal Lumi Magique Foundation (£10.99)
-Maybelline eraser eye concealer (£7.99)
-Rimmel stay matte pressed powder (£3.99)
-L'Oreal Paris Brow Artiste Genius Kit, Medium to Dark (£9.99)
-L'Oreal Paris Perfection Brow Artist Plumper, Dark Brunette (£5.99)
-L'Oreal Paris Super Liner Perfect Slim Intense, Black (£6.99)
-L'Oreal Paris Infallible Eye Liner, Chocolate addict (£5.19)
-Max Factor Creme Puff Blush, Gorgeous Berries (£8.99)
-Benefit Roller Lash Mascara - on my top lashes (£19.50)
- Max Factor Clump Defy Waterproof Mascara - bottom lashes (£10.99)
-Soap and Glory Glow All Out Luminizing Face Powder (£11.00)
-Maybelline Color Drama Lipstick, Nude Perfection (£4.99)


This was my typical quick, chill and comfortable outfit for those one hour lectures. 

TOP - Topshop
JEANS - Topshop, Leigh Jeans 
SHOES - Nike Air Max 90, Dark Grey White 

Maui x

Sunday, 31 May 2015


Last December I went back home to the Philippines with my family. I was only there for a couple of weeks as my christmas break was not as long and I had January exams ): I always love being home and being with the rest of my family but revising at the same time was no fun at all. 

The plane ride wasn't to bad at all, we took a direst flight from London Heathrow to Manilla which took only 16 hours and a bit. Sounds long but it went quicker than I thought it would. The coolest thing was the airline gave out iPads where you watched your movies, listen to music and play games. The weather is so NICE there also I just love the sun and heat, but i did stay in-front of the air conditioner  a lot! 

I went to a lot of cool places like Sky Ranch in Tagaytay and also Puenta Fuego where we usually go to chill out and have a couple of beach days and ride jet skis. I also celebrated christmas there and that was even more exciting because I haven't spent christmas there in a long time. Also I could give my cousin Shandy her beloved Fujifilm instax camera, believe me her face was priceless. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to go round Philippines as time just flies when your on holiday, but it's definitely a place to explore  if you're into hot weather, stunning sights and general fun. 

I forgot to add the fries in McDonalds are HUGE ! Why can't they have these jumbo sizes in the UK, my love for McDonalds fries in REAL! Also they have Apple pie a la mode, me and boyfriend always loved the idea of an apple pie with ice-cream but McDonalds in the Philippines already thought of that idea. Just making me write about it gets me so hungry!! 

Maui x 

Jumbo fries

Apple a la modé

Punta Fuego 

Sky ranch 

Friday, 29 May 2015

FLATMATES: My university experience

  1. Thank god I got given the best flatmates, because I was literally stuck for them for the next few months. Literally, everyone seemed to get along with each other straight of the bat. I remember hearing stories of my friends flatmates that just didn't get along, personally I'm just not an argumentative or confrontational person so i pleaded/hoped/begged me and my flatmates got on. 

    The first time I remember meeting my flatmates was when i was just trying to set up my room and I heard a knock on my door. First I thought who's this, can't be my parents they just left. Low and behold 4 guys stood outside my room and all  I heard was "Hi I'm Conor, James, Dom and I'm Aaron". In my mind I was just like DO NOT F*** THIS UP and finally introduced myself. They asked me if i wanted to join everyone else in the living space as everyone had arrived and that was when i met the other girls from my flat Freddie and Naomi. 

    As with every university student we didn't waste time and cracked open a tinny. Everyone just chatted and basically got to know each other. I didn't feel left out or isolated and I think it was due to the other inviting me out and joining them. One tip I would give when moving into halls for the first time is really get to socialise and talk to your flatmates cause they literally end up becoming your family. Some of my flatmates actually found each other on Facebook or the uni app and started a WhatsApp group so they could get talking just before moving in. 

    After that really we chatted for what felt like AGES. I just remember James saying I think we need to get ready before the first freshers event started. To be honest, at this point I felt totally comfortable with everyone just as if I had known them for ages. I remember that first night we even went downstairs to the flat below us and made more friends. I definitely became more social and started being more "out there" and just pushing myself out my comfort zone. Doing this I found that I seemed more approachable and just overall friendly. I wouldn't change anything as I've met some really cool, funny and interesting people at university. 

    Our flat was supposed to consist of a total of 8 people but currently we only had 7. My last flat mate Jamuna came a couple of days after we all moved in. We all thought in the beginning that this felt a bit weird as we had made a connection with each other and now this randomer is coming to our little group. But she was the nicest girl, she was just funny and really chill with everyone so we didn't really mind. 

    For freshers we literally stuck together along with some of the others from the flat below, but freshers I think will be another blog. As uni went on our friendship got stronger (#sloppybuttrue) and we all got closer, I mean we all had our own groups of friends we hung out with during lectures but we always came home to hang out with each other afterwards, we even all cooked at the same time so we can have "family dinner times". We would even just hang out with each other in our rooms and just chill, me and my flatmate Naomi liked to chill and paint our nails or snack and just get our assignments done. 

    Another tip I would give is buy some cheap door stops or bring your own, they are usually cheap and found in your local supermarket like Tescos or Asda. Me and some of my flatmates were shopping in Asda during freshers and found a pack of 2 door stops for £1 so we just bought them for the whole flat. Our doors shut automatically so this stopped them and allowed everyone to just walk in and out of each others room and just socialise. Even when we were doing essays or assignments we would just leave each other doors open so we could just talk to each other. 

    Living with strangers does seem like a gruelling idea I mean what if you get polar opposite people? I mean i'm not saying you won't have arguments I mean everyone does for example, not hoovering the hallway or not washing dishes or not cleaning the kitchen, but everyone will sort out these little tiffs and it's better for it to be out in the open and be sorted out unlike bitching behind everyones back and causing a bigger fuss. 

    The people I have met through university are just the best especially my flatmates. I totally recommend living in halls, I mean I'm not saying your not going to bump into some weirdos along the way but I reassure you everyone is in the same boat and just wants to get along and be friends, just give them a chance. Also it gives you a chance to find people to live with in the 2nd year, Im living with 5 other people from my flat now currently next year in an actual house so I'm so excited for that!

    Im so grateful for the most awesome flatmates I had this year as my 1st year experience could not of got any better! I can't wait for 2nd year to come rolling along and make more memories (#excusethesappyness).

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Maira Gall